Recipe: Soft Scrambled Eggs with Salmon + Spring Onions

Recipe by Chef Andrew Smith of West Egg

Demonstrated at the Westside Farmers Market on Sunday, April 24, 2016

2016-04-24 Chef Andrew Smith WFM Soft Scrambled Eggs 2



  1. Beat eggs with some salt and pepper, set aside while you heat butter in a pan.
  2. Slice spring onions (white/purple parts only) and add to hot butter, sautee until tender (3-5 minutes). Set aside and reheat more butter.
  3. In the meantime, chop dill and fold it into the cream cheese.
  4. Chop the salmon into bite size pieces.
  5. Add eggs to pan and when they are 75% set, fold in the cream cheese and the salmon, then add the spring onions back in.

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