Gratitude and credit to Jenna Shea Photography, plus all the attendees, participating chefs, mixologists, honorees, host committee, and sponsors! Scroll down to see and read more.
Chasidy Atchinson of Banjo Cold Brew Coffee
Tiffanie Barriere of The Drinking Coach
Megan Brent of New Realm Brewing
Sarah Dodge of Bread is Good
Natalie Fisher of the Loco Coco and Community Farmers Markets
Mwandisha Gaitor of 2 Pieces of Toast
Jeannette Katz of Buenos Dias! Cafe
Julia Kesler of Stop Think Chew
Carolynn Ladd of A Date with Figs
Tassili Ma’at of Tassili’s Raw Reality
Mercedes Melendez of Fox + Flower and Community Farmers Markets
Mistye Momon of Buttafly Kisses
Maria Moore Riggs of Revolution Donuts
Mercedes O’Brien of Cold Beer ATL
Sarah O’Brien of the Little Tart Bakeshop
Morgan Perkins of Galette
Ryanne Rothenberg of Ry’s Table
Ilene Rouamvongsor of Community Farmers Markets
Julia Schneider/Paula Seville of Moveable Feast
Shyretha Sheats of the Plate Sale
Yohana Solomon of Kushina Catering
Akissi Stokes of WUNDERgrubs
Enita Thomas of Mouthfeel Culinary Co.
Kellie Thorn of Hugh Acheson Restaurants
Almeta Tulloss of Cherokee Moon Mixology
Quianah Upton of Nourish In Black
Kistel Valencia of Cafecito Mexican Coffee Shop
Melanie Wade of Cultured South
Taylor Weber of Pea Ridge

Lady Locavores 2020 Award Recipients : Chef: Cathy Conway, Farmer: Isia John Cooper, Chef: JoVonna Johnson-Cooke, Kitchen Sink: Lauren Cox, Advocate: Kim Karris, Bartender: Keyatta Mincey Parker

2020 Lady Locavores Honorees include: Alice Rolls, Ashley Rodgers, Brenda Isaac, Colleen Morich, Dara Cooper, Elizabeth Beak, Erin Croom, Haylene Green, Holli Medley & Katherine DiMenichi, Jasmine Crow, Jeannette Katz, Karla Blaginin, Katherine Kennedy, Kitti Murray, Leah Lonsbury, Leslie Hudson-Gordon, Lovey Gilliam, Mary Elizabeth Kidd, Mercedes Melendez, Natasha (Chef Beee) Brewley, Paula Seville, Peggy Barlett, Quianah Upton, Sagdrina Jalal, Suzanne Girdner, Tamara Jones, Tassili Ma’at, Teena Myers, Terri Carter, and Yarrow Koning.
Incredible gratitude to our host committee, including chairs Chef Jennifer Hill Booker, Liz Lapidus, and Chef Virginia Willis:
Farmer Hosts:
Rebecca Billy, Beverly Carey, Gigi Conner, Emily Cox, Ann Cramer, Tiffany Friesen & Atiba Mbiwan, Cicely Garrett, Darryl Gausten, Gail Hayes, Kate Kiefer Lee, Katie McLennan, Pauline Miller, SoulShine, Stacey Abrams, Suzi Sheffield, Jenny Worthy
Laura Alphran, Kate Amesbury, Shoshana Ben-Yoar, Dhana Blissett, Suzanne Burnes, Shelby Buso, Adalina Capuli Merello, Robin Chanin, Fabiola Charles Stokes, Rutu Chaudhari, Cindy Chetam, Sharon Dickerson, Ashley Dowling, John Eckel, Salisha Evans, Susan Gonzalez, Mellisa Hall, Myka Harris, Mary Lynn Hemphil, Ethel Holder, Jeannette Katz, Ayesha Khanna, Susan Kidd, Erin Krinsky, Amy Leavell Bransford, April Ledbetter, Mandy Mahoney, Norene Mostkoff, Emily Ormsby, Megan Ouzts, Becca Posey, Cate Powell, Jessica Reece Fagan, Diana Ries, Diane Riffel, Becca Rushin, Kashi Sehgal, Zachary Singer, Anne Sterchi, Pam Sugarman, Stephanie Van Parys, Suzanne Welander, Judith Winfrey, Andrea Zoppo