SNAP / EBT dollars Matched at the Market
All of our farmers markets accept SNAP/ EBT (food stamps). As a bonus, Community Farmers Markets matches the amount of EBT dollars swiped with an equal amount of tokens for fruits and veggies. (This policy is in accordance to current federal grant requirements). When you spend $10 of EBT, you get $20 worth of fresh, local food.
Community Farmers Markets is proud to offer this great opportunity to shoppers who receive SNAP benefits thanks to a partnership with Wholesome Wave Georgia, leveraging federal money into the local economy while supporting local farmers.
All you have to do is:
- Visit the CFM Info Booth. A friendly CFM staff member will be able to swipe your SNAP card in exchange for tokens.
- Let the staff know the amount you’d like to spend from your card. You will get this value in wooden tokens.
- We match the amount of wooden tokens with an equant amount of green tokens, which can be used to purchase fruits and vegetables only.
- Wooden tokens may be spent on any food item, except hot to-go food.
- Green tokens represent the “doubled” value, and may be spent on fruit and vegetables only, per USDA regulations.
- Go shopping! Vendors accept SNAP tokens like any other form of payment. Purchases are rounded to the whole dollar, since no change is allowed.
Interested in applying for SNAP benefits or finding out if you are eligible? Please see the online application.