Thank You to Our Volunteers!

Our markets this season were successful in part to our hardworking volunteer base. They helped us setup and take down the market, assisted our customers, gathered content for social media posts, worked with our kids at the kids booth, helped chefs with their demos, and everything else that the market called for. We could not be more grateful for their consistency and hard work throughout the season!

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Safia Aziz

Gadedj Sy

Naomi Jordan

Katie Stanhope

Suhmer Robinson

Emily Cumbie-Drake

Abbie King

Ethan Davey

Laura Whitaker

Aundia Vafadari

Owen Brennan

Tali Brennan

Catherine Caprara

JC Chi

Lucinda Patterson

Maya Ehlinger

Caston Noorullah

Zoe Spencer

Isabel Chamberlain

Alexis Prince

Cherise Moulden

Shawna Parsley

Dominique Pope

D’Angelo Carter

Chelsea Webber


If you would like to join us as a volunteer for our 2016 season, email our Director of Programs at


Community Farmers Markets